Sound baths for migraines

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As an extension of the music therapy that I have been experimenting with, I explored the realm of sound baths on youtube. 

I found the trick is to find musical tracks that do not involve any high-pitched notes as these are painful when I have a migraine.  There is no guarantee any music will feel right for you, or make you feel right – but – as someone who spends a lot of time lying in silence, I enjoyed the experience.

If you want to learn more, there are websites that explain the benefits ( and websites that discount the mythologization of sound baths as an ancient Tibetan ritual (‘Tibetan singing bowls’ are not Tibetan. Sincerely, a Tibetan person ( 

If you are trying to find a way to make your headaches lessen, then perhaps it doesn’t hurt to set the history aside for an hour and enjoy the music.

One website I have had success with is here:

(3 and a half hours) Spiritual Healing Sound Bath | Releasing Pain | Transformation | Awakening to Your True Self (

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