Dirty dishwater revelations: what your sink is trying to tell you

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OK, so head’s up, this is by far the weirdest post I’ve ever made. After I had done the breakfast dishes and a few random items I’d found floating around downstairs (kids!), I went to let the plug out of the kitchen sink. I wasn’t in a good mood or a bad mood, if anything I was feeling neutral; one task down, plenty more to go.

As I reached for the plug – there it was – a super excited happy-face!

This is a photo of dirty dishwater that just happens to make a funny-face in between the bubbles.

Of course, it wasn’t anything remotely human – just a few spaces in amongst the bubbles and floating food. YUK, should have been my response, but it wasn’t. The happy face made me happy. Really happy. So happy I just had to take a photo and write about how happy I was.

Seeing human faces in inanimate objects is called “face pareidolia” and it’s apparently the result of hardwiring in our brain – we’re primed to see faces and identify others as friend or foe based on their expression. In the blink of an eye, unbeknown to your consciousness, your subconscious screams “happy face – good to approach!”

Setting aside the science of it all, I love that our brains (even temperamental, glitchy old migraine-brains) can find happiness in places as otherwise irrelevant as dirty dishwater. Thank you brain – thanks for making my day with your bubbly enthusiasm!

Take care everyone and stay bubbly, Linda x

PS – Because I can’t help myself, I’ve just got to ask… which way does the water spiral down your drain when you let the plug out? When I was a kid, they always said it depended on which hemisphere you lived in, but now they think that this gravitational pull is too small and it has more to do with micro-tensions in the surface of individual sinks and pipes… yeah, yeah, but… The water in my kitchen sink in Sydney, Australia (this morning) spiraled CLOCKWISE down the drain. How about you? Even if you write in anonymously, I’d love to know what country you live in and which way your happy-go-lucky dishwater spins into the void!

36 responses to “Dirty dishwater revelations: what your sink is trying to tell you”

  1. James Viscosi Avatar

    I think our sinks are usually trying to tell me “Hey it would be nice if you sprinkled in some Barkeeper’s Friend and gave us a scrub.” I mean, really, who thought white porcelain was a good material for something that you put dirty dishes into all the time??? 😬

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      🤣After I did my post, my hubby took a closer look at our kitchen sink and decided it was a bit messy too… who knew that blogging would lead to more housework! Oops (and sorry!)🤣


  2. SiriusSea Avatar

    You have the best-bright-happy-spirit 🙂 and it’s so infectious! I was grinning ear-to-ear! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      He he! I was a bit manic that day (crashed and burned the day after – good lesson: make hay while the sun shines / blog about bubbly joy when you’re lucky enough to have it!) 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. SiriusSea Avatar

        Oh, I couldn’t agree more! If words were sunshine, they’d be yours! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          You made me all warm and glow-y inside… thank you! xx

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Astrid's Words Avatar

    I love this! I used to draw happy faces everywhere before emojis and eventually they showed up everywhere for me. I took it as a sign to keep going with positive vibes 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I grew up as a teenager in the 80s so we all had happy-face tshirts… the emoji revolution was meant to be! 😊
      (PS – Your eternal positivity is such a reassuring vibe!) xx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kymber Hawke Avatar

    I think it totally looks like a happy face. 😀 TBH, I haven’t any idea which way our waters goes. Maybe I need to test this. 🌺🩷😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Funny how things go unnoticed until someone raises the question… often the spin is so minor it’s not so obvious… regardless, stay curious my friend! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. joannerambling Avatar

    I have never given any thought to which way the water drains out of the sink, but since I am in Newie (Newcastle) 2hrs north of Sydney I suspect it would be the same way as yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Turns out it’s mostly a matter of boring old plumbing according to another reader – embarrassed to say I spent way too much time on this yesterday, even testing out the toilet – probably not what the gurus had in mind when they invented mindfulness!! 🤣


  6. Stella Reddy Avatar


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  7. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
    Spark of Inspiration

    How great to see a smiley face in the sink’s water. Love that. Every once in a while I see something that others would not have noticed. You were in the right frame of mind to receive this smiley face. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I think I was very lucky – when my kids looked at the photo they thought I’d gone a bit mad – but I don’t care; I’ll take joy wherever I can find it! xx

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      1. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
        Spark of Inspiration


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  8. Destiny Avatar

    It does look like a happy face …with a big 😁 lol

    interesting question and information, Linda…
    clockwise in SA…(my home I’m certain of…lol as I try to picture and recall other places)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Ok, so there you go! Another reader confirmed it is true for big scale events, but sinks tend to be affected by drainage. So not important in the scheme of things, but I’ve always been curious!! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Destiny Avatar

        Lol, Linda…you had me trying to visualise other people’s sinks too🤭😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          Me too! I even re-tested my sink (and the toilet for good measure) before I posted! 🤣

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Destiny Avatar


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  9. Wholeness Chronicles Avatar

    Very interesting and informative. Thanks for this article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      My pleasure! 💜


  10. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

    Interesting you saw the face as a happy face, you must be in a good place:-) To me it looks a bit like one the more evil Pokemon characters, facing a bit to the left.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Ugh… I must have been primed to see happiness not evil… I’m glad! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

        Yeah, I was having weird dreams last night about a crazy ex-gf who was conspiring with one of my best friends about some sort of secret and I couldn’t work it out. Strange emotions and a very frustrating night!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          Yeah, that doesn’t sound great… for what it’s worth, I still can’t see an evil face in the suds! My wellbeing journey must be working! xx

          Liked by 1 person

          1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

            Not exactly, but sort of like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/qMrTCf46adW4PeQN7

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

              🤣🤣🤣OK – I see it now!!🤣🤣🤣


              1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

                Sorry, got a bit ocd with damn picture!!!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

                  Not a problem at all – point (definitely) made!! 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Great video! So it’s basically not a real thing when it comes to general sink usage, but in large bodies of still water there is a tiny, but real difference – phew! Childhood myth busted-not! 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

        Yeah, plus our toilets don’t swirl anyway like the US ones:-P

        I think I read Aboriginals are meant to have a higher proportion of Left-Handedness than Caucasians. Probably not caused by Southern Hemispheredness, but you never know!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. rsangel Avatar

    Just like looking at clouds and seeing different shapes 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      That’s so true! 🥰

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