ChatGPT: what do you know about me?

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ChatGPT is often accused of being ‘derivative’ – everything it writes comes from other people’s texts. Weirdly though, humans are not that different. We often write about what other people say, or about other people’s stories and successes and so on. Today’s blog, for instance is inspired by something someone on LinkedIn wrote about someone they saw doing a ChatGPT search… and now I’m writing about how they were writing about someone else’s writing. Sounds pretty derivative to me!

What prompted them to write, was watching the other person ask ChatGPT “what do you know about me?” – only more pointedly if you want an answer. Everyone has had a go at ‘googling’ themselves, but now that the technology has shifted, it makes sense that the search-for-self has as well.

I don’t have a ChatGPT account, but my web browser has a form of AI-chat called “Copilot”, so I decided to try it out. I asked, “what do you know about Linda who runs the blog The Mindful Migraine?” It’s grammatically clumsy, but I hoped it would be enough to get the chatbot started.

Here’s what I got:

It sounds pretty good – I’m quietly rather proud to be seen like this. If I had one ‘complaint’ it is that the blurb doesn’t include a live link to the blog – anywhere, at all. Footnotes 1, 9 & 11 are different accounts under my banner, to be sure, but they are not actual links to get you to the blog. Strangely, footnote 2 & 6 are the same ‘mindful migraine’ journal article (not mine), and footnotes 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 10 appear to be website pages that used the two terms ‘mindful’ and ‘migraine’… so more reading for me to be sure.

The second quirky thing is the fact that I have NEVER used the term “MBSR”. Whilst I DO talk about ‘mindfulness-based stress reduction’ techniques, until this very moment, I had no idea that there was a term for it. And yes, you can bet that researching MBSR is now on my To Do List.

Then there’s the exciting little prompts at the bottom of the chat. When I clicked “how did she start her blog?” I got the same material remixed; nothing new there. [Hmmm… I might have to update my About page.]

When I hit “what are some of Linda’s recommended strategies?” I got a very neat assemblage of my ideas (and the new MBSR term again), but also, some random material which AI has added in, assuming it to be ‘on topic’. The blurb highlights diet and hydration more than I do, and I’ve spoken about sleep, but never used the term ‘sleep hygiene’… so it’s a bit iffy how accurate this ‘summary’ is.

But, it’s the last question that made me all warm and fuzzy inside – it’s the reply that should make ALL OF YOU warm and fuzzy inside. When I clicked “is there a community around The Mindful Migraine” this is how Copilot replied:

The guy who prompted this post was not a fan of the results he got back from ChatGPT; he said they were too derivative… me on the other hand… I couldn’t be happier that the ghost in the machine of the internet sees us supporting each other – go team, you’re the best!

Linda xox

47 responses to “ChatGPT: what do you know about me?”

  1.  Avatar

    This is a very interesting post, Linda! It’s definitely interesting getting feedback or an outside perspective on yourself or your content, let alone it being from an AI tool 🤓

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      It worked out well, this time, but when I ran it again a few days later the results weren’t as interesting!! 🧐


  2. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
    Spark of Inspiration

    Nice, but a bit scary. Using it could become addictive if you/us don’t feel like writing. Just plug in a prompt, post written. They did do an amazing job writing about you. You don’t have to pay a marketing person, just use AI. I was reading that some publishers will not accept a writer if they have used AI in any way. A bit harsh, but at the same time, it’s hard to know what was written by the author and what was not, same with illustrations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I think the issue is very tricky – and I’m on the page that you have to pick a lane, declare it, and stay in it. I’m open that I experiment with AI art for images, but not for writing – there’s enough content out there that is ‘generic’, I want to add an authentic voice to the mix. But I can understand a publisher’s concern – at Uni it is close enough to a dismissible offence to use words that are not your own, or clearly referenced as belonging to someone else. New horizons – here we come…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. joannerambling Avatar

    I follow Linda she is amazing and has a damn good blog with some damn good information.


    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      And some darn amazing readers who help her get out of bed each day 💜🥳💜


  4. Looking for the Light Avatar

    AI is an interesting tool and a scary one too. I’ll have to do mine, what words did you use in the search? I can’t wait to see what Copilot has to say about my blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Yay! Use your name and the blog, the more info you give it, the more it has to work with (I use the same blog name on a couple of social media platforms so that probably helps). Good luck! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Looking for the Light Avatar

        Thanks, I’ll give it a go this morning. May even write a post like you did. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar


          Liked by 1 person

          1. Looking for the Light Avatar

            Oh, what I found was quite interesting. I could not have wrote it myself. I do plan to post, maybe people will see what it says about their blog. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

              It’s thought provoking, because it helps you to rethink how you present your material, but it also makes me suspicious how much of it is made up or misleading… hope it helps your readers too! xx

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Looking for the Light Avatar

                I posted today what Copilot hd to say about me blog. I could not have written is so nicely or even thought about some of the things it said. But it was fun and I use Copilot a lot these days for common questions but know that is may not be all true because it’s just collecting data that is out there. 🙂


  5. Sunshine Avatar

    Awesome 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar



  6. Stella Reddy Avatar

    🌞 Wow That is awesome… Isn’t it great when you see your hard work pay off?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Super validating! I think I’ve got a few more posts in me yet!! But it’s thanks to people like you too that make it work 🥰


  7.  Avatar

    This is what I got when I did the same…

    Megan Gaukroger is a dedicated resident of Inverell, New South Wales, Australia. She comes from a family with a strong tradition of volunteering and community service. Megan’s commitment to giving back has been ingrained in her from a young age. Recently, she was appointed as the national volunteer coordinator and New England Northwest Ambassador for Migraine Australia, an organization that supports Australians living with migraine and their families. Megan herself lives with Hemiplegic Migraine, a rare subtype of migraine, and she is passionate about raising awareness and advocating for those affected by this condition. Her involvement in various community organizations and her family’s legacy of service exemplify the positive impact of volunteering

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      OMG … that … is … AMAZING 🤩 GO YOU!!


  8.  Avatar

    Like your approach to this. Great post ❤️.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      🥳Thank you!


  9. Johnbritto Kurusumuthu Avatar

    Linda, your ability to find the positive in everything, including AI’s take on your blog, is truly admirable. This was a refreshing and enlightening read. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!🎉🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      You’re welcome – it probably helps that AI’s take on me was positive!! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Johnbritto Kurusumuthu Avatar


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        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar



  10. Edward Ortiz Avatar

    Very interesting. Supercomputing is amazing. How they search the web and put these answers together is just awesome.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      It blows my mind as well – AIs approach was a bit ‘tangential’ at times, but it still seemed to get to the right place, and gave me lots to think about and improve.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Victoria Avatar

      I was thinking the same! Capturing your goodness, Linda! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

        I’m not at all sure how it all works, but I love the idea that enough positive vibes might even be able to influence the matrix!! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Victoria Avatar

          Same! 🥰❤️🥰

          Liked by 1 person

  11. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

    Wow, you’re in the collective unconscious of the internet!

    I think AI’s a good way to summarise large topics and get a high level understanding, but if you get too much into detail, they seem to lie with a lot of confidence. Especially if opinion is involved.

    I use Github Coplit for programming, and it’s like having a guru sitting next to you telling you how do everything, explaining concepts and can codes things for you, it lends itself well when there are precise answers.

    But LLMs (Large Language Models) just take in all the text, and try to respond giving the most likely next word in a sentence about the topic. And they wrap it up in grammar so it sounds like it comes from a human. Actually, they don’t give you the next most likely word, they get the top 10 words, then randomly select that word, so if you ask the same question more than once it will give different answers. So they aren’t really ‘intelligent’, but some would say that’s how we work, so it is.

    Anyway, nice topic, off to ask if it knows about me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

      Oh, and Google Gemini is free and tends to give more complicated answers.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

        I’ll have to give it a whirl! xx

        Liked by 1 person

    2. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I was impressed with how much it seemed to be able to ‘scrape’ off the web about me (being omnipresent on lots of platforms presumably helped me) but it was a little unnerving how it filled in the gaps with its own material, so seamlessly, that only I know for certain “I didn’t say that” – it’s so confident in its presentation that no one else would think to query its accuracy…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

        Yeah, it happens a lot, you have to be careful. But, like everybody else, if information is condensed into one ‘persons’ view, they will get stuff wrong. Who wooda thunk our brains are not perfect?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          Hmmm… I’ve long had my suspicions about the wooden-thunks of my migraine-brain!! 🤣

          Liked by 1 person

          1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

            Haha, funny grrrl. Wooden cogs and all 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

              Call me old fashioned, vintage even, but sometimes the classics still do the job, so why reinvent the (cog) wheel as it were! 😉

              Liked by 1 person

  12. Lucy Rebecca Avatar

    Love this! Very well-written and interesting to read. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      You’re so welcome xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Sheila Avatar

    This is awesome. I use ChatGPT all the time now instead of doing Google searches. I help my boss run her business social media accounts and use it to come up with fun and creative captions too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I’m a bit scared of AI – I want to retain the ability to write without its interference, and I worry that we’ll soon drown in its content output – BUT – if it’s used as a ‘tool’ not a ‘crutch’ then why not! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sheila Avatar

        I think if it is used it’s important to let people know you used it when writing longer content that would normally be done by research

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          Good point – I use it openly for some of the artwork for the blog posts, but never for writing… that’s all me! 🥳

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sheila Avatar

            I figured as much. You are a wonderful writer!

            Liked by 1 person

  14. SiriusSea Avatar

    Linda ❤ I'm thrilled you have found an ingenious way to utilize AI in some fashionably educating manner! So fun and definitely peaked my narcissistic curiosity (lol) !! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I think it helps to have a couple of social media platforms with the same name for it to ping-off, because I’m not convinced it read too much of my blog to come up with its ‘summary’… but hey… it sounded good, so I’ll take it! xx

      Liked by 1 person

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