Free mini-makeover for your bedroom

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Mindfulness is a skill which involves being non-judgmentally present in your current moment. This might be an odd sidestep to traditional mindfulness matters, but if you regularly do your meditations or Yoga routines in your bedroom, or you spend a lot of time there due to chronic illness, you can become a bit hyper-aware of every aspect of your room to the point where you DO feel a bit judgmental. If youโ€™re like me, your bedroom has been curated to within an inch of its life; itโ€™s taken a while but itโ€™s ‘just right’.ย  Just right, that is, until you start to feel a bit bored of the space around you.

If this sounds like you, then why not give your bedroom a free mini-makeover?

What you do is you go โ€˜home-shoppingโ€™ and look from ‘new’ items in your own home and garden.ย  Hereโ€™s some ideas:

+ Swap your artwork around.ย  I often move the painting thatโ€™s in one room into another, and then take that canvas from over there and bring it over here.ย  Just by moving an artwork into a new space, it suddenly appears like a new picture.ย  You notice it more.ย  Photos that might have been sitting on a sideboard that are almost ignored, take on a new life when they pop up next to your bed.

+ Do the same for nick-knacks.ย  Swap and mix and move.ย  Once you have an alternate picture in your room, color-match some of the features in the pictures to your nick-knacks. You can also find new uses for regular items, such as hanging necklaces off door handles.ย  Make a garland of paper flowers to hang over your bed.ย  Repurpose a few Christmas do-dads that arenโ€™t too obviously Christmasy (like a golden bird or white angel wings) into pretty props.ย 

+ Bring the outdoors in with shells, seed-pods, twigs with interesting shapes, autumn leaves.ย  If you’re not allergic, pick a posy from your garden, and if you are, look for sprigs of leaves that can be placed in a vase. Make a collection on a bedside table to remind you that thereโ€™s a big wide world out there waiting for you to join in.ย 

+ โ€˜Browseโ€™ your kitchen cupboards.ย  Look for fancy dishes that can hold your jewelry or makeup.ย  Find a bowl or wide teacup that can hold your outdoor treasures.ย  Cake platters and trays can also act as miniature display locations for some of the nick-knacks youโ€™re moving around.

+ Borrow the cushions off the couch.ย  Donโ€™t quite match?ย  Does it matter?ย  It might just create a new eclectic vibe thatโ€™s a bit more interesting than the same-same youโ€™ve been living with for the last few months or years.ย 

+ Ask your kids for donations.ย  See what they offer up and then do your best to incorporate it into your new design.ย  Their token of love might not be what you were hoping for, but it will still be a token of love that reminds you of them every time you look at it.

+ Raid the memory banks. Lots of us have inherited small treasures from loved ones or have a box of postcards or letters from a relative’s travelling days. Prop an Airmail envelope on the sideboard beside a vintage camera and grandma’s brooch (the dated one you’ll never wear – but also never sell or give away) somewhere you can see them, as reminders that you are part of an eternal chain of ancestors whose interesting lives are part of what makes you who you are today.

+ Pile up the books. Perhaps you already have a bedside table of books – then stack them in a way that makes them a design-object. If you don’t read in bed, don’t worry, look for a book with an interesting cover that can be a form of artwork when set to one side. Magazines with interesting photographs are a great resource when you’re feeling too sick to read, but can get a bit unruly, so consider buying them a holder in a color that suits your room and make the storage item part of the decor.

+ Bring some of your clothes and textiles out of storage and repurpose them. Throw a favorite hat onto the corner of the bedhead. An old crib-rug could be used to wrap around your shoulders when you read at night. A beachy holiday sarong can act as a throw over the end of your bed. Perhaps your wedding high-heels have been hiding in a box to keep them pristine; why not put them somewhere you won’t trip on them, but somewhere they can add visual interest and spark good memories when you look at them.

Once you’ve set the room up with your home-shopping, see what stands out as a bit ‘wrong’, and consider a small investment. New pillowcases might be enough to revamp the colors in your room and act as a nice treat if you’re resting in bed a lot. Another moderate outlay would be a new bedside lamp that suits the new look but doesn’t cost a fortune (op-shops / thrift stores or charity outlets are a great place for new decor – just make sure anything electrical has been properly tested and tagged as safe to use.)

There’s no rules, and the nice thing about ‘home-shopping’ is that if you change your mind in a week’s time, you just put the pictures and cushions back to where they came from!

Take care taking care, and remember that ‘mindfulness’ can be as creative and adaptable as you want,

Linda x

26 responses to “Free mini-makeover for your bedroom”

  1. SiriusSea Avatar

    Creative, ingenious, and so useful all your amazing ideas, Linda โค !! Now, just looking for that extra energy I somehow misplaced!? Inspiring post per usual and thank you for sharing your thoughtfulness! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Energy is a bit like the moon and waves; it waxes and wanesโ€ฆ ebbs and flowsโ€ฆ ideas nowโ€ฆ action later xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kymber Hawke Avatar

    I love your ideas for redoing the bedroom! ๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿฉท

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you! After being a housemate / renter for years, you gotta get creative!! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kymber Hawke Avatar

        Well, I thought your creativity was outstanding! ๐ŸŒบ

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Natalie Brooke Avatar

    Ahhh, I loved reading this! Interior Design has and always will be one of my passions. I like the thought of rearranging things every once in a while, but I’ve never actually done it. The closest thing to it though, is that I’ve moved a lot in the past few years – so does that count? Having to decorate a whole new space all over again? It’s one of my favourite things to do!

    I also love sharing “room tours” on my YouTube channel – so much fun!

    Great post!! Thanks for the inspiration! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      My pleasure, and yes, I suspect that having to pack up / set up on a regular basis counts! Iโ€™ll have to go check out your room toursโ€ฆ. Sounds fun! Linda xx


  4. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

    Exactly โœจ๏ธโค๏ธโœจ๏ธ

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    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar



  5. Sue Dreamwalker Avatar

    I smiled when I read this .. Only today after washing and rehanging curtains… I had a rearranging spree ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Yay! There’s something so nice about rearranging your possessions – when they appear in a new location, you can see them (perhaps literally) in a new light! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. joannerambling Avatar

    When Tim and I were younger we would change our bedroom around at least once a year but not anymore don’t have the strength or energy to do so

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I get it – I talk a tough game, but my makeovers are pretty minor these days too – but even small changes, like what’s in the vase on the beside table can be enough to bring new interest to an old setting. xx

      (PS – once a year is very committed – like a spring clean only bigger!!)


  7. Pequeรฑo mundo (pk๐ŸŒŽ) Avatar

    GREAT post ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’“


  8. Stella Reddy Avatar

    ๐ŸŒž What a great post! I do this sometimes, switch around my pictures and knick-knacks to change things up a bit.

    I am not used to be in one place for too long, as in my career I moved around a lot and I find I tend to get bored.

    So, I switch things up every once in awhile to make my house look, and feel, like a different space. It works!

    Thank you, Linda! I hope all is good in your World!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you lovely; all going slow and steady here – which is how I like it… I can’t imagine you getting bored (albeit to do with housing); you strike me as a curious someone who finds inspiration anywhere and everywhere! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Stella Reddy Avatar

        ๐ŸŒž I am glad to hear all is well!
        Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          Oh! Your photo has changed – I love it; you look so happy, which is exactly as it should be! Xx


          1. Stella Reddy Avatar

            Thank you! That is why I chose it, it reflects how I feel these days. It was taken on my Birthday a couple of months ago.. lol

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

              Iโ€™m so pleased! You e got me grinning too now ๐Ÿ˜Ž


  9. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
    Spark of Inspiration

    Spring/Summer seems like the perfect time to make changes too. Change is good. Like you said, so easy to give our space a new look. Iโ€™ve been cleaning windows, screens, air conditioner filter, etc. It makes such a difference.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      It feels like there’s a nice meta-metaphor in there: you cleaning windows and screens to gain a new outlook on life! Love it! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
        Spark of Inspiration

        Linda, what a GREAT message. You are right. Once the windows are clean, and we can see outside, we do have that feeling of โ€œWow, thereโ€™s a whole NEW world out there.โ€ Of course, it helps that it is summer, the sun is shinning and that puts us in good spirits too. Thanks for sharing, you are always creative in your thoughts!! ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒบ

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          You get to take lots of the credit – you ‘spark my inspiration’ xox

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          1. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
            Spark of Inspiration

            Team work! ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒบ

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            1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar


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