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I know I said I wasn’t going to ‘show my face’ here again for a while, but I forgot about the initiative that is always run on the 21st of June by migraine advocates around the world. They pick this date because it is the summer solstice; the longest, sunniest, day of the year – and therefore, also the most potentially triggering for people living with light-sensitivity related to migraine.

(In Australia, funnily enough, it’s the reverse; it’s our Winter solstice and so not exactly sunglass weather at all!)

The photo that I chose to use comes from a little over a year ago. I went looking for it after I finally had a chance to listen to the Chronically Empowered podcast interview I gave, in which I was surprised to hear myself confessing to a weird practice I had adopted but kept private.

Towards the beginning of my healing journey, I used to feel bad that I was so weak and unfit that all I could do was walk to the park and back.  I used to imagine all the influencers posting their happy-snaps of themselves in exotic places, and feel like a loser that I was mostly stuck at home.  So, although I never posted them online, I started documenting my successful walks, so I could remind myself on bad days; you did it before, you’ll do it again; keep going.

When I went back looking through my phone, there they were, a handful of photos of me standing in a park or beside someone’s fence or hedge, smiling into the camera: “I did it – I walked a few blocks!”

I’m posting it here today as a reminder – with invisible illnesses, people often see the smile and assume there’s no pain, but in reality, there is often a lot going on behind that smile.

So today, on the longest / shortest day of the year (another pivot-point like my angel number 5), let’s all aim to make the second half of this year as joy-filled as we can, so that our smiles are as genuine as possible!

Take care, always, Linda xox

33 responses to “#shadesformigraine”

  1. Preeti Kumar Avatar

    Cool and beautiful picture You are really awesome Linda ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you so much!!!!!!


  2. James Viscosi Avatar

    When I used to get migraines I pretty much would go lie down in the dark but I definitely would’ve needed shades if for some reason I had to go outside …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      “Sensory deprivation” is definitely the best way to minimized the pain… but when you get migraines all the time, you have to get some fresh air sometimes… glad your not worried by migraines anymore! xx


  3. SiriusSea Avatar

    Big Beautiful Bright Silly Smiles to You, Linda ❤ !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar


      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kymber Hawke Avatar

    You are remarkably brave, and strong, too. Your picture inspires me to do the same. Thank you so much. 🌺🩷

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I think there are lots of little ways we can step out of the shadows, but the hardest step is always the first one. xxx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Kymber Hawke Avatar

        Yes that is for sure. xo

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Pooja G Avatar

    You’re so beautiful, it’s true a lot of smiles hide pain. People don’t fully understand invisible illnesses but that’s why we have to keep spreading awareness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you lovely! If we don’t keep smiling we’d cry – and that solves nothing – but we’re lucky that it does feel as if the tide is shifting – I can feel more empathy in the world every day (but there’s still a long way to go). xxxx

      Liked by 2 people

  6. odylicious (Val) Avatar

    It’s a great picture made even more brave for the pain probably going on behind the shades. You totally pulled it off. I’ve spent most of my life behind shades when outside and in darkened rooms while in pain, so it’s totally relatable to me. I lived in Florida for 15 years, where it’s notoriously hot and very sunny, and both were my enemies daily. If one didn’t do me in, the other often did, and I’d have to retreat to my darkened bedroom. Now I’ve been in the North Georgia mountains for 20 years and it’s easier on me. The summers are nearly as hot and sunny but we also get the other seasons too now, cold winters and great spring and fall. Love your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      It’s so validating to hear that you too suffered in the summer sun – I always feel like a bit of a ‘freak’ when I complain and everyone else is lapping up the sunshine and working on their tan! I might have to move out to the mountains and join you (I’ll bring my John Denver CDs!!) xx

      Liked by 1 person

  7.  Avatar

    Cool picture. And there is often more than meets the eye ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Keep going and keep growing – that’s all we can do! xx


  8. joannerambling Avatar

    You’re looking good

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Why thank you… I suspect I wasn’t feeling great, but chuffed with myself for being out of bed!!


  9. Charli Dee Avatar

    i think it’s wonderful that you started documenting your health journey and your walks! It’s encouraging and inspiring! It’s like keeping a diary, and when you look back, you feel so proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished. I like the lesson o]in this post, that every accomplishment is victory, no matter how small. I needed to read that, because I too compare myself sometimes to others. I see others with amazing careers and spouses and children and I’m wondering why don’t o have those? I keep thinking when will it be my turn to celebrate an accomplishment? I’m learning that I have accomplisher many things, I just haven’t been appreciating those accomplishments! I know there is room for more improvement and accomplishments, but for more I need to appreciate who I am and where I am right now. Thankyou for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      You’re so welcome, and it sounds like you’re completely normal! We all make comparisons, it’s how we gauge where we’re at… but sometimes, when we’re ill we need a new benchmark to compare ourselves to. Even when we’re not ill, we should challenge our expectations; being your best you is better than being a copy of someone else! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Charli Dee Avatar

        You’re completely right! As someone with a disability, I struggle to keep up with my peers. I had to learn that I just can’t compare myself to them. Plus, we are all unique in our own special way. The world is beautiful be wise we are all different and bring different sets of skills to the table.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          So true – the trick now is to get everyone else to see this truth too! xx

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Charli Dee Avatar

            I know right? Unfortunately I think even if we were all the same we would still find something to compare each other with. It’s just sad.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

              Human nature I suppose… (but not Mother Nature; she seems to assume everything is wonderful and has a place and a time.) xx

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Charli Dee Avatar

                I love that! Yes she does! Everything definitely has its place!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar



  10.  Avatar

    You’re truly amazing Linda! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you – the shocking reality is, I’m just one of a billion people dealing with this around the world! xx


  11. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

    You said exactly what I was thinking. You look so happy, and no-one would know what was going on behind that smile. Not sure whether a ‘Good Luck’ is appropriate, but I wish you all the best and strength, I can’t imagine what it’s like in your shoes, or sunglasses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you my friend! As for the sunglasses, I’m a fan of the dollar-shop variety; I drop them, scratch them, lose them… I’ve never owned a pair that lasted more than a couple of months!! 🙃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

        They look suitably cool and suitably you, that’s the main point! I’m the same, I only have servo glasses from holidays. In some ways I’m too cool for glasses I think (ahem, wot an old man)!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          Servo glasses is a great description; I have those too. I don’t think I’ve been too cool for anything 🤣

          Liked by 1 person

  12. Edward Ortiz Avatar

    “let’s all aim to make the second half of this year as joy-filled as we can, so that our smiles are as genuine as possible!”, 🙌🏼. I like that very much.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thanks Edward! Here’s hoping (and smiling!) xx

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