Category: Creativity

  • ChatGPT: what do you know about me?

    ChatGPT: what do you know about me?

    ChatGPT is often accused of being ‘derivative’ – everything it writes comes from other people’s texts. Weirdly though, humans are not that different. We often write about what other people say, or about other people’s stories and successes and so on. Today’s blog, for instance is inspired by something someone…

  • Vincent van Gogh’s pain

    Vincent van Gogh’s pain

    There are rumors going around the internet that several ‘alternative’ artists from the past, suffered from migraines with visual-auras. We’ll never know for sure, but I’m skeptical that an artist could have migraines on a regular basis, and no one would record them as being ‘poorly’ in their biographical notes.…

  • Fridge poetry for pain

    Fridge poetry for pain

    Chances are you know someone who has Fridge Poetry; those little magnetic words that you can arrange and rearrange to make poems on your fridge. I used to have an irrational jealousy of people who owned them. Why I never went out and bought my own set, I don’t know……