Suggested program to reduce chronic migraines

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After my neurologist told me I had exhausted all medical interventions to cure my chronic migraine, he suggested that I begin a more holistic program of recovery.

As a result, I spent several weeks dedicating myself to learning as many ways as possible to self-heal myself.

Below is the program that I used as a means of prioritizing my recovery (I went from 3 migraine days in 1 week to 1 day in every 3 weeks (with some setbacks)). You’ll notice that there are no times or time limits set for any of the sessions. That’s because I was so sick when I started that I needed to stay flexible. It is also because I found that the best way to start was with short sessions – even 5 minutes long – and then I gradually built my way up to longer sessions (generally 30 minutes long, but occasionally 60). The aim is to spend about an hour a day on all the sessions combined.

The other blog entries include links to videos and podcasts that I used to explore the various techniques. Remember that the idea is to experiment with what works for you, learn to make time for yourself, build self-help into your daily routine, and eventually spend up to an hour a day doing the activities that help you most. 

(For me, after weeks of trial and error, I now try to do 15 minutes of Tai Chi / Qigong, plus a 40 minute walk, and a 10 minute meditation every day. About once or twice a week I do some extra stretching and yoga. I have stopped doing HIIT and dance cardio as they made my head feel worse.)

Hope it helps & don’t forget to check with your doctor before you make any significant changes to your activity or lifestyle.

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