• Mindfulness for migraines

    Mindfulness for migraines

    Mindfulness is the number one, overarching tool that has helped me reduce my migraine triggers (stress, fatigue, posture) and increase my resilience to the triggers I can not avoid (genes, hormones, climate etc.). As a result, I have managed to reduce my migraines from 3 days a week to one day…

  • My migraine story

    My migraine story

    I have experienced migraines since I was 11 years old. In the early years they only appeared occasionally and did not have a major impact on my life. In my thirties however, they became more regular, and I began to experience hemiplegia (stroke-like symptoms). In my forties I was occasionally hospitalized for treatment and…

  • Brain-strain (not pain): Part TWO (answers)

    Brain-strain (not pain): Part TWO (answers)

    SPOILER ALERT: Today’s post includes the answers to the three matchstick riddles I offered on Tuesday. If you would like to go back and try the puzzles before you see the answers, go to the link here: * * * * * Ok then, for everyone else, how’d you go?…

  • Pain rescue: sometimes you have to save yourself

    Pain rescue: sometimes you have to save yourself

    Today is May the first – May Day. It’s traditionally a European day of ribbon twirling and dancing. But, me being me, it also reminds me of the distress call “Mayday – Mayday!!” I looked up the origins of the phrase, and it apparently comes from the 1920s and is…

  • Brain-strain (not pain): Part ONE (questions)

    Brain-strain (not pain): Part ONE (questions)

    I’ve been talking a lot about how to improve brain health from the point of view of minimizing pain. But I also realized that brain health in general is important; “use it or lose it”, as they say. So, I thought that for something completely different, I’d find three ‘matchstick…

  • Creating a (mental) happy place

    Creating a (mental) happy place

    When I was a child, I used to suffer from insomnia.  I would lie in bed and overanalyze what had happened that day… agonize over whether I could have handled things differently… imagine alternative tomorrows… catastrophize a bit.  I’m not a huge fan of the concept of a ‘migraine personality’…

  • The Boston Marathon and Mount Everest

    The Boston Marathon and Mount Everest

    What do the Boston Marathon and Mount Everest have in common?  They seem to be the two most common stories I hear referred to as an (im)possible dream.  A dream so big, the dreamer knows it could take them years to achieve, but one which they believe the sacrifice will…

  • Sacrifice


    Today (the 25th of April) in Australia and New Zealand, is ANZAC Day (the acronym stands for “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps”). Since 1916, it’s been a National Day of Remembrance which pays respect to all those who served and died in all the wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping missions our…

  • Chair Yoga for migraines

    Chair Yoga for migraines

    One of the first posts I ever made on The Mindful Migraine Blog was about Yin Yoga. My neurologist recommended I do a few lessons as a form of mindful movement to help reverse my chronic pain. I mentioned at the time that I felt “no victory” getting out of…

  • Being cruisy in carparks

    Being cruisy in carparks

    Yesterday’s post “can drafts can cause migraines?” got mixed responses here, and on Instagram and LinkedIn (where I sometimes post links). Some people were ‘heck yeah’, some were ‘I guess so’ and some were ‘meh…’ – which pretty much sums up all my feelings over the last few weeks I’ve…

  • Can drafts cause migraines?

    Can drafts cause migraines?

    A month ago, while I was walking my two dogs, a lady who was visiting a neighbor up the road stopped me.  She wanted to chat to my dogs.  After her dog-whispering was complete, she started up a conversation with me.  She mentioned she wasn’t feeling that well and began…