‘Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde’ and me…

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June is Migraine Awareness Month. It’s rather fitting I feel, given that June is also my birthday-month! Most of June falls into the Zodiac sign of Gemini which uses the symbol of the twins. I don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or not, but the word ‘migraine’ comes from the Greek word “hēmikrāníā” which means “pain in half of the head” and when you have a migraine you become a different version of yourself; your own double, as it were. Anyone who lives with migraine knows there’s a strong (sad) synergy with the notion of duality and twin-lives.

There have been times I have almost felt myself aligned with Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” (1886)… I’m a perfectly normal, functional and well respected 50-year-old one day, and then, through a sudden transformation, I become all hunchy-and-scrunchy (and somewhat bitter and twisted) the next… my life existing now in the shadows. The story explores notions of good and evil, but also our public and private lives, the conscious and the subconscious, as well as questioning the motives of the medical profession, and the thin line that exists between medications that heal versus those that are addictive. All of these themes feel as if they could be rewritten into a new narrative about migraine-me.

This picture from Wikipedia is from 1895 and used a double-exposure of an actor from the stage production of the play. Given the technology that was available at the time, I love the ingenuity of it.

Image source: Jekyll-mansfield – Wikipedia

The image got me thinking about whether I could use a similar approach to demonstrate what it is like to live with migraine as my contribution to Migraine Awareness Month. I’m no computer whiz, but I asked my daughter to take two photos of me this morning: one where I’m happy and look like I’m taking a traditional selfie, and another where I’m feeling a little bit under the weather. After cutting the background out from behind migraine-me, I overlayed it on healthy-me. Then, after I created my ‘twin shot’, which already showed a sense of what it is like to live a dual-life with migraine, I decided to go a step further and make migraine-me more transparent and wobbly. I like this image because it gives a hint of what life is like when you feel like the shadow of your former self while everyone around you is business-as-usual-happy.

This is a montage image of a happy person beside a migraine person, showing the sense of duality it is to live with migraine pain, as part of Migraine Awareness Month.

The one thing that I take pride in – as should all of you – is that we are really nothing like Mr Hyde. In the story the evil twin is cruel, remorseless, and violent. We on the other hand, do, in our own way, shrink and wither, but only in stature perhaps, never in our souls. We remain the creative and kind people we always were, just a little washed-out… temporarily. Our health might wax and wane, but the persistence of our inner-selves does not.

If you live with chronic pain – I see you (no matter how faded you might feel).

If you don’t – use this post as a reminder that there are others everywhere that live with various chronic illnesses and perpetual pain… reach out to them and remind them that you see them too, and that they matter, now and always.

Take care taking care my dears, Linda xox

37 responses to “‘Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde’ and me…”

  1. gwengrant Avatar

    It sometimes seems as if pain blocks out everything but itself, distorting the entire world around us. Thanks for this post.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      You get it…sorry if that means you get a lot of pain. 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gerry C. Avatar

    it is a pity that medical science can offer no long term solution to your health issue. I am sure that the number of migrane suffers over the years since 1895 has increased substantially. Creating public awareness of this issue could lead to a cure for this double edged condition.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I agree! I think chronic illness is on the rise in general… I do feel like a shift is happening though; we used to get our information about illnesses from doctors, now more patients are stepping up to tell their stories… hopefully it reduces the stigma we feel. Thanks for visiting, it means a lot to me xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gerry C. Avatar

        It has become a crazy world when the public attaches the word stigma so readily and so eagerly to people suffering medical conditions.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          True, it’s hard to know anymore what’s right or wrong… all I do know for sure is that chronic pain has cost me employment, friends and opportunities due to a lack of understanding… but that’s where I come in! I’m determined to be the little drop in the ocean that hopefully has enough of a ripple effect that a few lives might be changed for the better! xx

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Astrid's Words Avatar

    Thank you for this uplifting post. It’s a comfort to be reminded that we’re not alone in our experiences. Best wishes for a wonderful June to you! Enjoy your discoveries!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you kindly – I’ll keep going and keep growing! xx


      1. Astrid's Words Avatar

        Yes, most definitely!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. pinoytransplant Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts on this condition. I know many people are suffering from migraine headaches.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      It’s not a fun space to be in, but the fact that you’re taking the time to understand what they’re going through speaks volumes about your character! xx


  5. Candy Keane | Geek Mamas Avatar

    Happy Birthday! Now I need to post something about Migraine Awareness Month, as I was not previously aware of it, lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      These special months and days never end! I think it’s international, but I’m not 100% sure!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Candy Keane | Geek Mamas Avatar

        Yep, every month and every day has multiple “awareness” or “national whatever” things happening. I often check out the “national today” website for posting ideas, lol.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

          It never even occurred to me there would be such a list, but of course there would be! Hope everything is going well at your end. xx

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Moongirl Avatar

    Thank you for this post. I don’t live with migraines but do have chronic pain. It’s nice to know someone else gets it 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Always a pleasure my friend, and pain is pain… but remember how resilient you are! here’s hoping your days are as painless as possible! 💜

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Stella Reddy Avatar

    🌞Great way to look at it! Awesome picture and I get it.
    I see you Linda… You MATTER!!
    Chronic pain, is a pain! lol
    I hope you have a pain free day today!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Thank you lovely! You definitely help me feel seen and I will always be grateful 💜

      Liked by 2 people

  8. silverapplequeen Avatar

    I never thought I was Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, I always thought I was a Picasso painting of myself … the one side not matching the other side.

    I did not know that June was migraine awareness month!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. motionmasquerade Avatar

      Similarly, I had no idea there even was a Migraine Awareness Month. I learn so much by reading the work of others. Thank you sharing, Linda!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. motionmasquerade Avatar

        Thank you FOR sharing… good grief. 🤦‍♀️

        Liked by 2 people

      2. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

        We’re all like pieces of a puzzle, contributing our bit towards making a whole picture! Now if I could just organise another three hours in the day, I could get around to more blogs and keep building up my understanding! Xx

        Liked by 3 people

    2. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      There are so many awareness days and months it is easy to lose track! The Picasso painting analogy is perfect! Sad, but perfect… it also means we can take heart in the notion that, by extension, we too are messy but priceless! Xx

      Liked by 3 people

  9. odylicious (Val) Avatar

    Loved this post. A neat way of looking at and sharing what it feels like to have this type of pain. It really can be lonely, especially if you suffer from other chronic types of pain as well. I have issues with depression from dealing with pain for so many decades. I’m also struggling with grief after losing my son in 2021. He was my only child and I lost my only sibling, a brother back in 1987. Adding in insomnia makes it all rough, but I keep pushing on, as I have my elderly mom who counts on me. Hugs and prayers to all who are having a hard time in these crazy days we live in.


    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Kind-vibes coming back at you – you sound incredibly strong for someone who has gone through so much – super proud of you. And yes, chronic pain of any sort is isolating and as such depression has been an issue for me as well. It was one of the main reasons I started this blog at the start of the year; to connect with others who might be as ‘washed-out’ but hopeful as I was. So glad you found your way here, feel free to reach out for a chat if you ever need one. xox

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
    Spark of Inspiration

    Lovely photo of you and great analogy with the 1895 photo. The goal will be to see you happy and smiling 100% of the time, you have a radiant smile. 🌺

    Liked by 5 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Oh thank you – I genuinely am feeling more happy-days that pain-days at the moment, so I’m “winning”!! 🩷

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
        Spark of Inspiration

        Great news! 💕

        Liked by 2 people

  11. joannerambling Avatar

    I am always thankful that I rarely get migraines or even a simple headache now days

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I think that life these days remains hard even without pain – if you can stay true to yourself, that’s the real blessing. xox

      Liked by 1 person

  12. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

    v.creative! Expressing yourself, even if its the other side, can only be a good thing. It would be hard to explain to those who don’t know. I actually feel quite a bit sorry for you after this post, what you have to go through:-( hmmmm … it’s a little hard to put in the right … words, but I’m sure you understand.

    I can only complain about a bit of a coffee headache every now and then. But I know how grumpy I can get when I’m a little sick from something or other.

    p.s. I’m Gemini too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      Ah – another twinsy – I thought we had a resonance! Feeling for others is always a ‘strange case’ of empathy / pity / regret / relief… it’s complex and weighted. I’ll take it though – it’s better than being ignored! xox (PS – beware the caffeine hangover; it’s always a shilling-shocker!)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thingsihavethoughtof Avatar

        Haha. You made me look up ‘shilling-shocker’, I might have to go find some and have a read! Seems like inspiration for a Quentin Tarantino movie.

        Be well. Peace love and mung-beans baby;-)

        Liked by 2 people

        1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar



  13. windupmyskirt Avatar

    Great post! I know that your reaching out yesterday on my blog was very welcome it’s good to be able to share some pain with others. It lessens the load .

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Mindful Migraine Blog Avatar

      I started writing this blog because my soul was withering with loneliness (I have a wonderful family and friend network – but they don’t “get it”)… all of you, honestly, have made such a difference in my wellbeing, I couldn’t be more grateful! xox

      Liked by 1 person

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