Category: Mindset

  • Ghosting, coasting, or boasting: chronic-pain-friends (PART 2)

    Ghosting, coasting, or boasting: chronic-pain-friends (PART 2)

    Last week I wrote about friends ‘ghosting’ people with chronic pain, and how much it hurts.  Today I want to talk about a different friendship arrangement; ‘coasting’. For me, I would suggest that most of my friendships fall into this category.  My friends are ‘cruisy’.  They’re low-maintenance.  We don’t make…

  • Gaining awareness: intentionality versus randomness

    Gaining awareness: intentionality versus randomness

    It’s Migraine Awareness Month, as previously mentioned, and I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘awareness’ versus ‘information overload’. When I first started trying to understand my diagnosis of chronic migraine, I went looking in multiple places to try to find as much information as I could. I was particularly open…

  • Angel Number 5

    Angel Number 5

    For those of you who are new to my blog, there’s a little habit that I have gotten into, which is celebrating my ‘inchstones’ (as opposed to ‘milestones’). All those little baby-steps that are helping me heal are recognized, including my monthly anniversaries of blogging (which I started on January…

  • Free mini-makeover for your bedroom

    Free mini-makeover for your bedroom

    Mindfulness is a skill which involves being non-judgmentally present in your current moment. This might be an odd sidestep to traditional mindfulness matters, but if you regularly do your meditations or Yoga routines in your bedroom, or you spend a lot of time there due to chronic illness, you can…

  • Dirty dishwater revelations: what your sink is trying to tell you

    Dirty dishwater revelations: what your sink is trying to tell you

    OK, so head’s up, this is by far the weirdest post I’ve ever made. After I had done the breakfast dishes and a few random items I’d found floating around downstairs (kids!), I went to let the plug out of the kitchen sink. I wasn’t in a good mood or…

  • Breakfast for Dinner

    Breakfast for Dinner

    When I was growing up, our family aimed to have a proper sit-down dinner 6 nights a week.  My father would come home, we’d each sit in our regular spots at the dinner table, and as we ate, my sisters and I would recount what we’d done that day, what…

  • Pessimism: is it realistic or wrong?

    Pessimism: is it realistic or wrong?

    My daughters listen to a musician named Alec Benjamin.  He suited my mood last year as he tends to sing angsty woe-is-me songs.  This year, however, I’m trying to ‘lean into’ a more sunshine-and-happiness version of myself in order to heal.  There is, nonetheless, one song of his that sometimes…

  • Make peace not war with your chronic pain

    Make peace not war with your chronic pain

    Some time ago, I wrote about the neurologist who said you should ‘make friends’ with your migraine.  When you’re in the depth of chronic migraine, it is very hard to imagine befriending a foe so painful… but – there is truth in this sentiment.  At the very beginning of my…

  • Tarot cards for pain

    Tarot cards for pain

    When I was at university, in my early twenties, I lived in a big share house.  I can’t remember what prompted us, but one of my friends and I began to practice telling fortunes.  She got very good at remembering what all the cards in the Tarot deck meant, whilst…